Memory Loss and Dementia

Dementia is a syndrome associated with an ongoing decline of brain functioning. Early stage symptoms include memory loss, problems with thinking, poor orientation, changes in mood or emotion, visual-perceptual difficulties and problems with language/communication. There are many conditions which cause dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia.

Many people at the early stage of dementia stay largely independent and only require a small amount of assistance with daily living. It is important to focus on what the person can do by themselves and seek assistance if needed. 

Early diagnosis of dementia can be very important as it can provide the opportunity for future care and treatment. It allows people to plan while they are still able to make important decisions on their care and support needs and on financial and legal matters. It also helps them and their families to receive practical information, advice and guidance as they face new challenges.

The Very Brief Intervention section below is targeted towards improving early diagnoses and treatment.  This section also includes a section on dementia risk reduction.

Very Brief Intervention


How would you describe your memory at the moment?

Have you forgotten anything related to your normal day to day activities?

  • We all forget things from time to time but has this increased?

How would you describe your ability to concentrate on daily/regular tasks?

How would you describe your ability to find the right words in your daily conversations?

Have you ever found yourself getting lost easily in an area you know well?

Can you remember events clearly from years ago but sometimes not remember who you saw this morning? 

Is there times where you have misplaced items that then turn up in strange places?

Can I ask you some questions about the person?

Have you noticed changes in your loved one's behaviour or personality?

Is your loved one asking the same question repeatedly or telling you the same thing over and over again?

Do you often find they have misplaced items that then turn up in strange places , i.e. your purse in the fridge or glasses in the microwave?

Are they unsure about typical tasks such as making a cup of tea? Getting dressed?

Do you often find that they can remember events clearly from years ago but can't remember who they saw this morning?


If the person is worried about their memory, or think they may have dementia, encourage them to see a GP. 

  • Reassure the person that getting a diagnosis gives you and your family the best chance to prepare for the future

If you are worried about the person

If you're worried about someone else's memory problems, encourage them to make an appointment with a GP and perhaps suggest that you go with them.

There are lots of organisations who can help with support and advice, would you like some further information on this?



It's normal for your memory to be affected by stress, tiredness, certain illnesses and medicines. But if you're becoming increasingly forgetful, particularly if you're over the age of 65, it's a good idea to talk to a GP about the early signs of dementia. Memory loss can be annoying if it happens occasionally, but if it's affecting your daily life, or it's worrying you, or someone you know, you should get help from a GP. 


The Alzheimer's Society

Alzheimer’s Society is the UK’s leading dementia charity. They campaign for change, fund research to find a cure and support people living with dementia today. You can contact their dementia advisers using the telephone number below.

Telephone: 0333 150 3456

Website and guides :

The dementia guide: Living well after your diagnosis

Caring for a person with dementia: A practical guide

Dementia UK 

Looking for information or advice about dementia or Alzheimer’s. Please make contact with Dementia UK. Their Helpline provides support from dementia specialist and admiral nurses.

Telephone: 0800 888 6678


Website: Specialist support to families facing dementia | Dementia UK

TIDE - Together In Dementia Everyday

Tide aims to connect, mobilise and enable carers of people with dementia to recognise their own value and contributions to society. Offering carers opportunities to use their individual and collective experiences of caring to influence policy and practise.

Telephone: 0151 237 2669


Website: Together in dementia everyday. When no one else was here for me, tide were beside me

Carers UK

Are you caring for a family member or someone else close to you? We are here for unpaid carers with expert information, advice and support and campaign to make life better for carers.

Telephone: 0808 808 7777


Website: Carers UK

Age UK

Age UK is the leading charity for older people. Visit Age UK today for a wide range of information and advice including a specific section on dementia support. You can use the service finder on their website to find local Age UK support near you. 

Telephone:  0800 678 1602

Website: Age UK | The UK's leading charity helping every older person who needs us


We can’t change our age or our genes, and there is currently no way we can completely prevent dementia. However, there are some simple steps we can all take to help lower our risk.

Risk factors for cardiovascular disease (like high blood pressure and stroke) are also risk factors for dementia, so what is good for your heart is good for your brain. Looking after your health, cutting out smoking and being physically active on a regular basis will help lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. It’s likely you’ll be lowering your risk of dementia too, particularly vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

For good heart health: don’t smoke, keep cholesterol and blood pressure under control be active and exercise regularly, maintain a healthy weight, eat a healthy balanced diet, drink fewer than 14 units of alcohol per week.


Herbert Protocol

The Herbert Protocol is a national scheme that encourages carers, family and friends to provide and put together useful information, which can then be used in the event of a vulnerable person going missing. 

This form is to record information about the person you care for; this will be used by the police and search teams in the event that the person goes missing. Wherever possible, complete the form in advance and keep in a safe place to give to the police in the event of the person going missing. The contents of this form will help the search teams gather relevant information and begin searching. Recording this information ahead of time and keeping it regularly updated will greatly reduce any stress associated with trying to recall detailed information in an emergency situation. If possible, please also attach a clear and recent head and shoulders photograph to this form.

If the person you care for goes missing: Phone 999 without delay

Complete the ‘Missing now’ section of the Herbert Protocol form as best you can.

Hand the form to the police when they attend your location.

Website: Click here to access The Devon and Cornwall Police Herbert Protocol Form

Local Support and Contact Details